Thursday, August 2, 2007

life changes in a blink of an eye!

its been a while since i have put something up here... life just took a complete U-turn! Work, out of all the things in life is rocking! (in a good way) rest everything else seems to be on the back burner.

Lots has changed since i wrote the last post...lost some friends and family, lovers too! But gained much more in terms of self discovery.

the biggest revelation for me is to realise that I am mentally single! Yes all these years when I have been struggling with relationships, trying to row the boat against the current! To be able to realise this has been a blessing…I enjoy being single…being able to do what I feel like, not being answerable to anyone…the feeling is just awesome!

1 comment:

do bigha zameen said...

Well that's a lot of changes since your last post'but u seem to be coping well...... Guess work is compensating those empty spaces.